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成人软开课 Flexibility

推荐所有想要锻炼软度, 纠正体态的同学 通过芭蕾训练方式可以使肌肉更加纤长优美

  • 1 hour 30 minutes
  • 单次 £30 连报 £25
  • 15 Pratt Mews, London NW1 0AD

Service Description

The flexibility class will focus on the following body areas: Shoulder stretch Chest stretch Back stretch Waist stretch Inner thigh muscle stretch Gluteal flexor stretch Hamstring and quadriceps stretch Inner arm muscle stretch Price: Drop in rate: £35 per session Register consecutively for a minimum of four weeks: £30 per week Student rate: £20 per week Unless under special circumstances, no leaves are allowed once registered. One reschedule is permitted. Attire for the class: Ballet leotard or yoga attire. Students with long hair are required to tie it up, and bangs must be pinned back. Students with nearsightedness must wear contact lenses. No jewelry is allowed during the class. For inquiries and registration, please scan the WeChat QR code located at the bottom right corner of the webpage to contact our customer service. 软开课将针对以下几个身体部位进行训练: 1. 肩部拉伸 2. 胸部拉伸 3. 背部拉伸 4. 腰部伸展 5. 大腿内侧肌肉拉伸 6. 臀部屈肌伸展 7. 腿腱, 腿筋伸展 8. 手臂内侧肌肉拉伸 Price: 单次课drop in 35磅 连续报名四周起报,30磅一周, 学员价:20磅一周 连报除特殊情况不允许请假, 只可顺延一次 上课着装: 芭蕾体服或瑜伽服 长发同学请盘发, 刘海夹紧 近视同学需佩戴隐形眼镜 上课期间不允许佩戴任何首饰 欲咨询报名请拖拽网页到最下方右侧扫微信二维码联系客服

Upcoming Sessions

Contact Details

Wechat: cloudballet

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